Kelly Stern

Some gems attract us and provide us with emotions. Worn on oneself, a connection is created between the body and the mind.

To find the 3 gems that are destined for you at this moment in your life, a questionnaire allows us to analyze your personality and determine your needs. Learn precisely about the fascinating universe of these gems in a tailor-made, exhaustive and unique study: their origins, their history, their chemical, physical, optical characteristics, and their spiritual effects.


The term gem comes from the Latin ``gemma``. The oldest ones formed more than 3 billion years ago, in the bowels of the Earth, under very particular conditions of pressure and temperature that served as a nest and transport for the stones we find today. However, new discoveries continue to appear, and there are now more than 300 types of gems. A gemstone refers to a natural stone of mineral, rocky, or organic origin. It meets precise criteria of quality, aesthetics, and hardness. Precious stones, fine stones, and ornamental stones are distinguished.


The term lithotherapy comes from the Greek ``lithos`` meaning stone and ``therapeia`` meaning cure. This ancestral practice was discovered in Mesopotamia, traditional Chinese medicine, ancient India, and medieval Europe. A gentle and non-invasive alternative therapy, lithotherapy uses the ``virtues`` of authentic stones to heal psychological ailments. By daily physical contact, the energetic vibrations they emit help to improve one's well-being. Depending on the chemical composition, color, and crystalline structure of the stones, there are numerous psychological benefits: calming, emotional rebalancing, encouragement, motivation, positivity, liveliness, open-mindedness, self-confidence, and renewed energy.


The cost of the study is valued at €450 including tax. The delivery time is 3 weeks. Afterwards, we offer you to create your custom-made jewel from these gems, or only to choose and acquire the most qualitative ones.