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My name
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I am A womanA menOther
My main quality GenerosityCourageHonnestyKindnessIntelligence
My weakness GluttonyAngerLustPrideEnvySlothGreed
My cardinal sin I am positive, I see the glass half fullIt variesI see life in grayI am negative, I see the glass half empty
My emotionnal reactions I am very sensitive, I have trouble channeling my emotionsI welcome my emotions, I express them calmlyI repress my emotions, I internalize
Self-esteem I am at peace with myself, I have confidence in myselfIt varies, there are good days and bad daysI lack self-confidence
My physical appearance I am very well-groomedI prioritize comfort but dress up for occasionsI don't pay attention to it
My romantic relationships I am peaceful and happyI am jealous and possessiveI am sad and disappointed
The time I give myself I take time for myself, I am my priorityI sometimes take time for myself, I would like to think of myself before thinking of others more oftenI don't take enough time for myself, others are my priority
My stress management I am relaxed and keep my coolI experience stress depending on eventsI am often stressed and anxious
My social circle I have many friends, I go out oftenI have made a selection in my social circleI am solitary
My outings I am a party animalI take time to recharge and have funI am a homebody
My professionnal life I am happy, I love my activityI am okay but not where I want to be yetI am not happy, I don't like my activityI am looking for a jobI am not working / anymore
My daily life I am spontaneous, I don't like routineI have my habits but am not limited by themCommuting, working, sleeping
My artistic side Sound arts (singing, music)Performing arts (dance, theater, cinema)Visual arts (painting, sculpture, drawing, photography)
On vacation, I choose The mountains, fresh airThe beach, doingDiscovering foreign cultures
My attitude towards differences I am open-minded, interested in diversityI don't have prejudices, but my social circle is similarI don't tolerate diversity
My creativity I am creative and inspired by my surroundingsI would like to develop this aspect of my personalityI am not creative
If I was an animal, I would be A chameleonA lionA catA dogA bird
My spirituality I am interested in esotericism and the signs of the universeI would like to develop itI am a rationalist
My life path in numerology (Add the day of birth, month, and year, then add the total to get a number between 1 and 9. Example for 10/01/1987 = 1+0 + 0+1 + 1+9+8+7 = 27 = 2+7 = 9)
The color that inspires me RedOrangeYellowGreenBluePurple